المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : lesson 1- part 2- الدرس الاول (نص القصة )

02-07-2012, 06:16 PM
http://up.hawahome.com/uploads/13410698252.gif (http://up.hawahome.com/uploads/13410698252.gif)

Sara Went Shopping

Sara Smith, a Pasadena resident, went shopping. She is 30, and has lived at 3037 N. Foothill Street since 1992. Sara has been married to John for seven years. They have two children; Bob is five years old and Nancy is three. Sara owns a 1995 four-door blue Toyola. At 9 a.m., Sara got into her car and drove to Barget, a department store a mile away.

Barget was having a holiday sale. Sara bought a four-slice toaster for $29.95 plus tax. The regular price was $39.95. She paid by check. On her way home, Sara stopped at MilkPlus to buy a gallon of nonfat milk. The milk was $3.50. Sara got 50 cents back in change.

Sara arrived home at 10 a.m. John and the kids were still sleeping. She woke them up and then made a hot and nutritious breakfast for everyone.

المطلوب اليوم بعد قرائة القصة الإجابة على الأسئلة التاليه
حاولو الاجابة تكون كاملة
Did Sara go shopping?

الاجابة تكون

Yes, she did



Is Sara 50 years old?

Does she have children?

Does Sara have a new car?

Was Barget having a holiday sale?

Did she buy the toaster at the regular price?

Did she buy eggs on her way home?

Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home?

Did she make breakfast for her family?

Was the breakfast nutritious?

02-07-2012, 10:14 PM
القصة وهى مكتوبة غيييير فهمت أكثرها أفضل من المقطع الصوتي ..:80:..~~~

الأسئلة وإجاباتها..:

Is Sara 50 years old?

No is not, She is 30 years old
Does she have children?

Yes,she does, she has two children
Does Sara have a new car?

No, she does not
Was Barget having a holiday sale?

yes it was
Did she buy the toaster at the regular price?

no,she did not
Did she buy eggs on her way home?

no,she did no
Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home?

yes,he was
Did she make breakfast for her family?

yes, she did
Was the breakfast nutritious ?

yes,it was
*)منتظرة التصحيح
جزاك الله خيرآ:10:

|| HONEY ||
02-07-2012, 11:46 PM
الله يخلف عليّ مافهمت شيء من القطعه .. ..~~~

بس في الأخير بجاوب وماني مستسلمه ’(

?Is Sara 50 years old
No she isn,t
she is in 30 years old

?Does she have children
Yes she does
she have two children

?Does Sara have a new car
No she is not

?Was Barget having a holiday sale
Yes it was << هالسؤال أحس إني فاهمته بس ماني فاهتمه :3:

?Did she buy the toaster at the regular price
No did she not
<< هالسؤال مافهمته ..:)

?Did she buy eggs on her way home
No she did,nt

?Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home
Yes he was

?Did she make breakfast for her family
Yes she did

?Was the breakfast nutritious
Yes it was
<< الكلمه الأخيره مافهمت معناها :)

إن شاء الله تكون إجاباتي لو شوي منها صحيحه ^_^
تسلمين مره ثانيه ع الدوره التي بينت لنا شوي من ذكائنا :10:

الصبر زادي
03-07-2012, 02:11 AM
II am sorry because I didn't send the first homework,I have a problem with the file ,I wish you can accept my excuse.This are the answers for Part (2
1. No,she isn't
2. Yes,she does
3. No,she dosen't
4. Yes,it was
5. No,she didn't
6. No,she didn't
7. Yes,he was
8. Yes,she did
9. Yes,it was
Thank you for your time!And I am waiting for your response.
Sending good vibes your way

رياض الحنية
03-07-2012, 10:44 AM
Is Sara 50 years old?

No she is not

Does she have children?

Yes she have

Does Sara have a new car?

No she have not

Was Barget having a holiday sale?

Yes it is

Did she buy the toaster at the regular price?

No she did not

Did she buy eggs on her way home?

Yes she did

Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home?

Yes he was

Did she make breakfast for her family?

Yes she did

Was the breakfast nutritious?

Yes it is was


رياض الحنية
03-07-2012, 10:50 AM
أبلة ريم ..
ماذا عن المقطع الصوتي ؟؟

نجمة خراسان
03-07-2012, 07:02 PM
Is Sara 50 years old?

no she is not

she is 30 years old
Does she have children?

yes she does
Does Sara have a new car?

no she does not
Was Barget having a holiday sale?

yes it has
Did she buy the toaster at the regular price?

no she does not
Did she buy eggs on her way home?

no she buy milk
Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home?

yes he was
Did she make breakfast for her family?

yes she did
Was the breakfast nutritious?

yes it was

جزاك الله خيراً

كتبت اجابة بسرعة عشان اصلي مغرب :rroo:

قطرة ندى
03-07-2012, 07:09 PM
دورة مميزة جدا حياتي

يعطيكي العافية

03-07-2012, 08:38 PM
القصة وهى مكتوبة غيييير فهمت أكثرها أفضل من المقطع الصوتي ..:80:..~~~

الأسئلة وإجاباتها..:
المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس
*)منتظرة التصحيح
جزاك الله خيرآ:10:

excellent ’(

برافو ياعسل ماشالله تبارك الرحمن إجاباتك كلها صح
بس نصيحة لما تكون الأسئلة بـyes or no
لاتفصلى في الاجابة

03-07-2012, 08:54 PM
الله يخلف عليّ مافهمت شيء من القطعه .. ..~~~

بس في الأخير بجاوب وماني مستسلمه ’(

المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس

إن شاء الله تكون إجاباتي لو شوي منها صحيحه ^_^
تسلمين مره ثانيه ع الدوره التي بينت لنا شوي من ذكائنا :10:

Does Sara have a new car
No she is not

حبيبتى هنا عندك السؤال فيDoes
يصير الاجابه No she doesn't


Yes it was << هالسؤال أحس إني فاهمته بس ماني فاهتمه :3:

الاجابه صح والمقصود بالسوؤال
انه هل المتجر الى راحت له في عروض تخفيضات <<حسيت انه يتكلم عن بنده خخخخخ


No did she not

<< هالسؤال مافهمته ..:)

lانتى جاوبتى صح بس غلطتى فى الصياغة
كان المفروض تقولى
No, she didn't
ومعنى السؤال هل اشترت التوست بالسعر المحدد؟
والاجابة لا لانه فى القصة ذكر ان التوستر كان مكتوب عليه سعر لكن هى اشترته بسعر تاني

No she did,nt

No, she didn't


Yes it was
<< الكلمه الأخيره مافهمت معناها :)
الكلمة معانتها مغذى أو مفيد

المره دى راح تاخدي 9 من 10 ان شالله
المره الجايه 10 على 10
حابه مررره حماسك استمري ولاتيأسي بإذن الله بعد كدا
راح تستمعى اكثر ’(

03-07-2012, 08:56 PM
Iالمحتوى المخفي لايقتبس

1. No,she isn't
2. Yes,she does
3. No,she dosen't
4. Yes,it was
5. No,she didn't
6. No,she didn't
7. Yes,he was
8. Yes,she did
9. Yes,it was

ماشالله تبارك الرحمن برافو عليكي ياعسل
10 على 10

03-07-2012, 09:03 PM
المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس

Does she have children
Yes she have
ليش حطيتى have
حبيبتى have هنا ماجات فعل مساعد هى فعل رئيسي بمعنى تملك او لديها
فالمفروض تكون الاجابه
Yes she does



No she have not

نفس الغلطة ياقلبي
المفروض تقولى
No, she doesn't.



Yes it is

حبيبتى انتى تتكلمى عن شي صار في الماضي وانتهى
لما حطيتىis تعطى للسامع شعور انه الفعل دا لسه مستمر
فالمفروض تستخدمى الماضي حق is الى هو was والى هو
موجود فى السؤال
يعنى الاجابه بتكون كده
Yes, it was.



Yes she did

الاجابه ماهى Yes الاجابه No


Well don’(
راح اعطيكي 8 من 10
بس لاتيأسي بالعكس خلي حافز
وابغا الدرس الجاي 10 من 10 بإذن الله’(

03-07-2012, 09:04 PM
أبلة ريم ..
ماذا عن المقطع الصوتي ؟؟

رفعته لكي يالغلا فى الجزء الاول .....Z

03-07-2012, 09:18 PM
المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس
جزاك الله خيراً

كتبت اجابة بسرعة عشان اصلي مغرب :rroo:


yes it has

يالغلا Have هنا فعل أساسي فلما نجاوب
مانحطها فى الجابه الفعل المساعد هوwas
تصير الاجابة
yes it was


no she does not

حبيبتى الفعل المساعد فى السؤال كان did يصير لازم نحطه نفسه
no she didn't


no she buy milk

لما يكون السؤال أجب بـ yes or no
نحط الاجابه مختصره
no she didn't

well don’(
نجومة الله يتقبل منا ومنك يارب
حبيبتى راح اعطيكي 9 من 10
وبإذن الله الدرس الجاي تكون 10 من 10’(

03-07-2012, 09:20 PM
دورة مميزة جدا حياتي

يعطيكي العافية

تسلمى قطورة نورتى الحته ياعسل:10:

كاتمة احزاني
03-07-2012, 09:27 PM



Is Sara 50 years old?
no. she is30:68:

Does she have children?

:68:yes she have tow
Does Sara have a new car?
no it is old
Was Barget having a holiday sale?
yes he have
Did she buy the toaster at the regular price?
:68:no she did not

Did she buy eggs on her way home?
no she did not
Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home?

:68:yes he is still sleep
Did she make breakfast for her family?
yes she made
Was the breakfast nutritious?
yes it was

|| HONEY ||
04-07-2012, 01:30 PM
Does Sara have a new car
No she is not

حبيبتى هنا عندك السؤال فيDoes
يصير الاجابه No she doesn't


Yes it was << هالسؤال أحس إني فاهمته بس ماني فاهتمه :3:

الاجابه صح والمقصود بالسوؤال
انه هل المتجر الى راحت له في عروض تخفيضات <<حسيت انه يتكلم عن بنده خخخخخ


No did she not

<< هالسؤال مافهمته ..:)

lانتى جاوبتى صح بس غلطتى فى الصياغة
كان المفروض تقولى
No, she didn't
ومعنى السؤال هل اشترت التوست بالسعر المحدد؟
والاجابة لا لانه فى القصة ذكر ان التوستر كان مكتوب عليه سعر لكن هى اشترته بسعر تاني

No she did,nt

No, she didn't


Yes it was
<< الكلمه الأخيره مافهمت معناها :)
الكلمة معانتها مغذى أو مفيد

المره دى راح تاخدي 9 من 10 ان شالله
المره الجايه 10 على 10
حابه مررره حماسك استمري ولاتيأسي بإذن الله بعد كدا
راح تستمعى اكثر ’(

*) 9 من 10 حلووه مو بطاله ..
الأول لما حطيت الرد لاحظت إنه خطأ فمابغيت اعدله لأني خلاص سلمت الورقه :454:

الله يحفظك ويحميك :68:

04-07-2012, 06:38 PM
excellent ’(

برافو ياعسل ماشالله تبارك الرحمن إجاباتك كلها صح
بس نصيحة لما تكون الأسئلة بـyes or no
لاتفصلى في الاجابة

الحمدلله فرحتيني ياقمر.....Z

حاااااضر *Miss.Reem * :68: ..تسلمي و بارك الله فيكِ...

*ام عمر*
04-07-2012, 10:22 PM
Is Sara 50 years old?

No,shes not, shes 30 years old

Does she have children?

Yes, she has 2 children, Bob and Nancy

Does Sara have a new car?

No, she doesn't

Was Barget having a holiday sale?

Yes,it was

Did she buy the toaster at the regular price?

No, she bought it at sale price

Did she buy eggs on her way home?

No, she bought non-fat milk

Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home?

Yes, he was

Did she make breakfast for her family?

Yes, she did

Was the breakfast nutritious?

Yes, it was

04-07-2012, 10:45 PM
الأسئلة (:10: .I understand more withI read the text and I read it just one or twice)

Is Sara 50 years old?

.No,she isn't/she is 30 years old.

Does she have children?
.Yes,she have two children

Does Sara have a new car?

No,she does not new but it back to1995.
Was Barget having a holiday sale?
. Yes,it have a holiday sale

Did she buy the toaster at the regular price?
.Yes,she did

Did she buy eggs on her way home?
.No,she didn't

Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home?
.Yes,he was but she woke him with the children

Did she make breakfast for her family?
.Yes,she did

Was the breakfast nutritious?
.Yes,it was
.I waiting to your correction:rroo: Miss Reem

om turky
05-07-2012, 05:29 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Is Sara 50 years old?

No, she's not


Does she have children?

Yes, she has


Does Sara have a new car?

No,she doesn't have a new car

Was Barget having a holiday sale?

Yes , it was
Did she buy the toaster at the regular price?

No' she didn't


Did she buy eggs on her way home?

No, she didn't


Was her husband still sleeping when she arrived home?

yes, he was still sleeping


Did she make breakfast for her family?

Yes, she did

Was the breakfast nutritious?

Yes, it was

I hope all my answers are correct.

05-07-2012, 07:54 PM

المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس

no. she is30:68:
جوابك صح
لكن لما يكون السؤال عندنا يتطلب إجابة بـ yes or no
مايحتاج نفصل المفروض الاجابة تكون
No, she is not
ولو تبغى تذكرى الاجابة كاملة بتصحيح الخطأ راح تقولى
No, she is not. she is 30 years old:)


yes she have tow

حبيبتى انتى هنا فهمتى المقصد من السؤال
وفهمتى انه هي ايوة عندها أطفال
وكتبتى yes دا بحد ذاته اعطيكى عليه 10 من 10
لانه الهدف من الدورة القراءة والاستماع والفهم من خلالهم
أنا حطيت الاسئلة دي لان إجاباتها تخلينا نعرف للقواعد بطريقة بسيطة
لو لاحظتى السؤال عندك يقول
Does she have children?
طيب انتى قلتى
وقلت دي إجابة صح لكن ناقصة
كيف راح نكملها؟
نروح للسؤال نشوف فين الفعل المساعد؟
في عندي Does & have
والا تنين يجو فى خانة الفعل المساعد لكن مستحيل يكون فى فعلين
مساعدين فى جملة وحدة
عشان كده تعالى نترجم ترجمة حرفية
does she = هل هي
have=فعل مساعد وقد يأتى بمعنى يملك
children= أطفال
طيب ترجمنا ترجمة حرفية طيب نبغى نترجمها ترجم صحيحة عربياً
راح تصير
هل تملك أطفالاً
طيب هنا فهمنا انه have جات فعل رئيسي الى هو تملك
يصير الفعل المساعد عندي هو does
معناته هو دا الى راح احطه فى الاجابة
يعنى السؤال Does she have children?
جوابه راح يكون
Yes, she does.

Does Sara have a new car?

no it is old
انتى جوابتى بـلا
وهو صح سارة ماعندها سيارة
لكن ليش حطيتى it os old?
المفروض تقولى
No, she doesn't
yes he have

هنا اتكررت نفس الغطلة حق السؤال رقم2
الاجابة هي
Yes , it was

مممتاز إجابتك على السؤال الخامس صح 100%
ممتاز برضه الاجابه صح 100%

yes he is still sleep

هنا وقعتى فى نفس مطب السؤال الاول
المفروض كنتى تقولى
yes , he was
yes she made
فهمك للسؤال 100%
لكن المفروض كان تكتي
yes she did
yes it was برافو هنا اجابتك صح 100%

اقدر أعطيكى 8 من 10 على الاجابات
بس مويخليكي دا تحبطى المره الجايه
راح تاخدى 10 على 10 بإذن الله:10:

05-07-2012, 07:55 PM
*) 9 من 10 حلووه مو بطاله ..
الأول لما حطيت الرد لاحظت إنه خطأ فمابغيت اعدله لأني خلاص سلمت الورقه :454:

الله يحفظك ويحميك :68:

يسعدهم الناس القنوعين"R:"R:
عجبتنى خلاص سلمت الورقة خخخخخخ
بإذن الله المره الجايه 10 من 10’(

05-07-2012, 07:55 PM
الحمدلله فرحتيني ياقمر.....Z

حاااااضر *Miss.Reem * :68: ..تسلمي و بارك الله فيكِ...

ان شالله على طووول فرحانه:10:

05-07-2012, 08:03 PM
المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس


No,she's not, she's 30 years old

ممتاز بس حاولى الفاصله تكون موجودة ’(


Yes, she has 2 children, Bob and Nancy

غلطتى فى الفعل المساعد
المفروض الاجابه
Yes, she does.
وانتى لما كتبتى has
صار المعنى للجملة
نعم هى كان لديها طفلين


No, she doesn't



Yes,it was


No, she bought it at sale price

الاجابه صح لكن السؤال ماطلب تفصيل
المفروض تكتفى بإنك تقولى

No, she didn't.


No, she bought non-fat milk

زي السؤال الى قبله المفروض تقولى
No, she didn't.


Yes, he was
برافو ’(


Yes, she did


Yes, it was

كده أعطيكى 9 ونص من 10 ،)،
بإذن الله المره الجايه العشره كامله:10:

05-07-2012, 08:30 PM
المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس


.No,she isn't/she is 30 years old.

ممتاز ’(


.Yes,she have two children
بس لو هتكتبي اجابة مختصرة لاتحطيhave
Yes, she does.


No,she does not new but it back to1995

ماله داعى التطويل لانه لما طولتى غلطتى فى الصياغه
المره الجاية اكتفى بـ
No, she doesn't.

. Yes,it have a holiday sale

نفس غلطة الاخوات الفعل المساعد هنا مو have
الاجابه راح تكون
Yes, it was.

.Yes,she did

غلط ياقلبي الاجابة بالنفى
No, she didn't.

.No,she didn't

ممتاااز ’(


.Yes,he was but she woke him with the children

ممتاز بس ارجع اقول فى اجابات أسئلة yes or no مافى داعي للتطويل ’(

.Yes,she did

ممتاااااااااز ’(

.Yes,it was
ممتاااااااااز ’(

أعطيكى 9 من 10
المره الجاية بإذن الله تاخدى 10 من 10:10:

05-07-2012, 08:35 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس

I hope all my answers are correct.


No, she's not



Yes, she has

نفس غلطة الاخوات الفعل المساعد مش have
لأنه have هنا فعل رئيسي الاجابة رح تكون
Yes, she does.


No,she doesn't have a new car



Yes , it was

No' she didn't



No, she didn't


yes, he was still sleeping



Yes, she did

ممتاااااز ’(

Yes, it was


9 ونص من 10 يالغلا :D
بس زي ماقلت لكم ركزو على الفعل المساعد’(

om turky
05-07-2012, 08:40 PM

No, she's not



Yes, she has

نفس غلطة الاخوات الفعل المساعد مش have
لأنه have هنا فعل رئيسي الاجابة رح تكون
Yes, she does.


No,she doesn't have a new car



Yes , it was

No' she didn't



No, she didn't


yes, he was still sleeping



Yes, she did

ممتاااااز ’(
Yes, it was


9 ونص من 10 يالغلا :D
بس زي ماقلت لكم ركزو على الفعل المساعد’(

سبحان الله ماكنت متأكدة بالمرة من الإجابة بس قلت يلا*)*)*)

والحمدلله استفدت من غلطتي:30:

9ونص مرررررررررررررة حلو الحمدلله

والأحلى دروسك اللي ان شاء الله نستفيدمنه

بارك الله فيك

وبإنتظار بقية دروسك:30::30::30:

05-07-2012, 11:30 PM

.No,she isn't/she is 30 years old.

ممتاز ’(


.Yes,she have two children
بس لو هتكتبي اجابة مختصرة لاتحطيhave
Yes, she does.


No,she does not new but it back to1995

ماله داعى التطويل لانه لما طولتى غلطتى فى الصياغه
المره الجاية اكتفى بـ
No, she doesn't.

. Yes,it have a holiday sale

نفس غلطة الاخوات الفعل المساعد هنا مو have
الاجابه راح تكون
Yes, it was.

.Yes,she did

غلط ياقلبي الاجابة بالنفى
No, she didn't.

.No,she didn't

ممتاااز ’(


.Yes,he was but she woke him with the children

ممتاز بس ارجع اقول فى اجابات أسئلة yes or no مافى داعي للتطويل ’(

.Yes,she did

ممتاااااااااز ’(

.Yes,it was
ممتاااااااااز ’(

أعطيكى 9 من 10
المره الجاية بإذن الله تاخدى 10 من 10:10:

.................................................. .................................

:rroo::rroo::68::68:(Thank's alot sweety (MISS REEM
in another time Insha'a allah,I will get 10 from 10.
.................................................. .................................................. ......

Excuse me,I write some comments in ENGLISH can you Correct my errors????With my thanks and appreciation.....Z.....Z

( يويو)
06-07-2012, 09:43 PM
السﻼم عليكم ورحمة ﷲ وبركاته
حليت اﻼسئلة يامس يارب تكون صح
وشوفيني شاطرة كتبت باﻼزرق هههه

1/No,she isn't
2/Yes,she dose
3/No,she dosen't
4/Yes.it was
5/No,she didn't
6/No,she didn't
7/Yes, he was
8/Yes,she did
9/Yes, it was

07-07-2012, 05:48 PM
السﻼم عليكم ورحمة ﷲ وبركاته
حليت اﻼسئلة يامس يارب تكون صح
وشوفيني شاطرة كتبت باﻼزرق هههه

المحتوى المخفي لايقتبس
يسعدهم الشاطرين
ايوة كل مره جيبي قلمك الازرق معاكي "R:"R:

[COLOR=Blue]1/No,she isn't
2/Yes,she dose
3/No,she dosen't
4/Yes.it was
5/No,she didn't
6/No,she didn't
7/Yes, he was
8/Yes,she did
9/Yes, it was

ماشالله تبارك الرحمن
10 على 10 ياعسل
يلا ياقمر انتظرك فى الدرس الثاني’(’(

09-07-2012, 11:26 PM
جزيتي خيرا

10-07-2012, 10:41 PM
واياكي يارب