المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : JAKET POTETO جاكيت بتيتو

مطبخ حواء
19-04-2014, 10:42 AM

جاكيت بتيتو


4 pieces Potatoes medium size
½ can Mushroom sliced
½ can corn
1 Philadelphia cheese
1 Big spoon Mayonnaise
Salt + Black Pepper

Method of Preparation

Wash the potatoes, make holes into them, and cover them with the aluminum foil, put them I the oven tray, and add little water on them, put the tray in the oven for hour and half.
Take them out, and after they cool down open them and cut each in linear way into two half.
Roast the mushroom with little butter, and then add the corn, the salt and the black pepper, remove it away from the oven, and keep little from it for decoration.
Mix the mayonnaise with the cheese, the mushroom, and the corn well together, then add around one table spoon from the cheese on the potato, and decorate it with mushroom and corn. Serve it...

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