المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : MARQUQ WITH MEAT مرقوق باللحم

مطبخ حواء
22-04-2014, 09:30 AM

مرقوق باللحم


2Piecess Zucchini+ 2 Carrot (Small Squares) + 5 pieces Tomato medium 1Onion medium+ 1 Tea spoon Garlic smashed
Marquq (or any bread you could use it)
Meat (cut into small pieces)
1 Tea spoon from (spices + Cumin grounded + Turmeric)
4 Rod Cinnamon + 2 dried Lemon + 1 Tea spoon Salt

Method of Preparation

Put three table spoon oil in a pan, and add the onion, the garlic, the add the meat, and stir well until its cook, add the
Spices and stir well. put the tomato into the mixer then flow it on the meat and add the same amount from the water as tomato sauce, then add the cinnamon ,and the lemon , and leave it on medium fire until its done , and after its done add the vegetables and leave it until its all cooked..
Then broke the marqouq bread into pieces and put it into the stew, and stir it for 5 minuets...Then serve it...

page: 155

زحمه وبس
20-10-2014, 02:12 PM
شكرا على المجهود

شمسه العنزي
10-02-2015, 12:46 AM
دائما متميز في الانتقاء
سلمت على روعه طرحك

الماسة الربيع
24-04-2015, 01:11 PM
كل الشكر والامتنان على روعهـ بوحـكـ ..