المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : The Transparent Nescafe Sweet حلى النسكافيه الشفاف

مطبخ حواء
26-04-2014, 10:16 AM
The Transparent Nescafe Sweet

حلى النسكافيه الشفاف


First Layer
(1 pack smashed Biscuit + 1 Butter bar (soft
Middle Layer
1 cans Yogurt + 7 tea cups Milk powder + 3 tea cups Sugar
1/3 glass Water + 1 Envelope Dream whip + 1 tea spoon Nescafe

Method of Preparation

Mix the biscuit with the butter, and put it in the tray.
In the mixer put the (yogurt + milk powder + sugar), flow the mixture over the biscuit layer, put the tray in the oven for a while, but don’t let it roast...
Prepare the last layer: mix the water, the dream whip, and the Nescafe, leave it to boil, then flow it on the white layer, and leave to cool down, cut it, and serve

page: 267

amal al ghamdi
14-06-2015, 03:30 PM
يعآفيك ربي لآهنتِ ع الآنتقآء المتميز