المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Dotar Banner دوتربانير

مطبخ حواء
27-04-2014, 10:59 AM
Dotar Banner



Onion and garlic small cut
Green onion small cut
2 pieces chicken breast
Chicken broth
Cheddar chess
Graham masala

Method of Preparation:

Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, and then boil them in the water, with the mix spices, cumin, and black pepper.
Add in the pan the onion, the garlic, the green onion, and oil stir them well, then add the chicken to it.
Add the grounded turmeric, the cumin, chicken masala, and he black pepper, then add the pea and mix it well.
Add now the spoon from tomato paste, then the two glass of the chicken broth, cover t for fifteen minutes, ad decorate it when you serve it with cheddar cheese and sumac...

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