المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Adjectives

10-08-2016, 10:46 PM
Adjectives describe or modify nouns.

I like fairy tales. A fairy tale is an imaginary story that has unrealistic characters in a fantasticbackground. It makes me forget about the realworld and refreshes my tired mind.

Adjectives generally appear immediately before the noun.

A pretty girl
Red flowers
A long stick
Heavy boxes
Warm weather
Commonly, adjectives of opposite meaning are formed by adding a prefix such as un, in, or dis.

clear – unclear, important – unimportant, predictable – unpredictable, believable – unbelievable, common – uncommon, aware – unaware, ambiguous – unambiguous, conventional – unconventional, certain – uncertain
definite – indefinite, correct – incorrect, comparable – incomparable, complete – incomplete, evitable – inevitable, expensive – inexpensive
able – disable, assemble – disassemble, content – discontent, similar – dissimilar
When using a string of adjectives, they should appear in a set order: size/shape + age + color + origin + material.

A big brown house
A small old English desk
A beautiful black Italian leather purse
Delicious Chinese food
The + adjective describes a class or group of people and acts as a noun.

the old, the young, the poor, the rich, the oppressed, the homeless, etc.
This popular TV show is loved by the old.

[Quiz 7.1]

Write opposite adjectives using the appropriate prefix.

1) Clear –
2) Definite –
3) Correct –
4) Expensive –
5) Complete –

[Quiz 7.2]

Underline all adjectives in the following sentences.

In the spring, red roses blossom in my cute small garden. The beautiful birds also sing in the big oak tree.

The answers
1) unclear
2) indefinite
3) incorrect
4) inexpensive
5) incomplete

red, cute, small, beautiful, big, Ok