محشي الزهرة
Pate of Cauliflower medium size
Water to boil it + salt
Stuffing Ingredients
300g mince Meat + 1 Onion Mince
1 Tea spoon Spices + 1 Tea spoon Salt
1 Table spoon Margarines+ 4 Table spoons Parsley mince
1 Table spoon Tomato Paste + 1 Tea spoon Red Pepper
For Fried:
2 Eggs + 1 Glass Flour + 2 Glasses Cooking Oil
Method of Preparation
Boil the cauliflower in the water, then filter it and cut it into medium pieces, mix the stuffing ingredients together then stuff the cauliflower with it. dip the pieces into the flour then into the egg that you add for it the pepper and salt , and finally deep fried them , and after that put them in the oven on medium heat for half an hour , and serve it…
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