بريك بعجينة الجلاش
Al sunbolla dough qulash
Onion mince
½ fagot Parsley
3 pieces Eggs boiled and sliced
Mince Meat
Black Pepper + Cumin + Salt + Oil
Method of Preparation
Heat two spoon from the oil and add the onion , stir well , then add the add the mince meat , the black pepper, ,the cumin , and the salt ,mix well and keep it until they cook , then start carefully open the dough , and grape a try and paint it with oil, put the first layer from the dough and spread on it one table spoon from the oil, then add the second layer and add the same amount from the oil, and go on do the third layer , then add the meat with the parsley and the eggs rings , then another layer from the dough , and spread oil on it , and so on until you put three layer on top the meat , put it in the oven , when it’s roast take it out, cut it , and serve it..
page: 140
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