Basbusa Stuffed with Mouhalabia
بسبوسة محشية بالمهلبية
1 Glass of Semolina + 1 Glass Oil + ½ Glass Sugar
1 cans Creme + 3 Eggs
1 tea spoon Biking powder + 1 tea spoon Vanilla
Mouhalabia Ingredients
2 Glasses Water + 2 tea cups Sugar
4 flat table spoons corn flour + 6 table spoons Milk powder
Method of Preparation
Put all the Basbusa ingredients in a medium Powel, mix them with the hand cake mixer, and then add half of it to the oven tray.
Put it in the oven to cook it from below, until its edges start to be roasted, take it out, and leave it to cool down.
During that, prepare the Mouhalabia stuffing…
Mix all the Mouhalabia ingredients together , and out in on the oven until it start to be thick , then add it on the Basbusa, and keep it to be cold, then grape the rest of the Basbusa mixture, add to it to the half cup of water, mix it well, then flow it carefully on the Mouhalabia, start with the middle part of the tray, then go to the edges in round way so they well not mix together,
Later put the tray in the lower shelf of the oven , and turn the oven on low heat from above , and leave it until its done, add the shira ( already prepared) on it, then keep it to cool down , then cut it , and serve it…
page: 258
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