إلي تحب الإنجليزي مسجات تجنن....
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الموضوع: إلي تحب الإنجليزي مسجات تجنن....

  1. #1
    عضوة نشيطة الصورة الرمزية أم لميس..
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    إلي تحب الإنجليزي مسجات تجنن....

    i love u.. u keep me warm..
    i can't go any where
    without thinking of u ..
    i cann't never walk with out you

    if u look at the sky*u'd see the stars*
    if you look at the sea u'd see me*
    if u look around u'll see a fly*
    u know why?
    cause if u look at the mirror u'd see
    a fool
    this cat* is cat* a cat*
    good cat* way cat* to cat* keep cat*
    an cat*idiot cat* busy cat*4 cat*
    20 cat* seconds cat*

    cute friend
    send it

    monkey is
    reading it

    monkey is

    cute friend
    is smiling

    monkey is still
    reading it



    * * * * *
    * * * *

    * * * * *
    * * * *

    * * * * * *
    * * * *
    I did 3 things today : miss u , miss u , and miss u
    Miss u : it’s funny how 2 words can take up too little space on a piece of paper , but fill up a large space in my heart

    Attention please : your hectic daily life is being interrupted to bring u this important message : “ I….MISS….YOU…”

    I hust want to let u know that I miss you , think of u always, wish u the best , hope all is well

    if you think that I think about u all the time , u r wrong coz I think about u only when I miss u , but the truth that I miss u all the time

    no words written or spoke could ever tell u how much I love u

    no matter how far u go, no matter where u roam, u can always be on my mind

    I hate distance,,,,I hate missing

    near…far….wherever u r, I believe that I miss u

    I know how much u love me, and each time that u think of me , I know I’ll miss u too

    I think that u should know that : I miss u

    I just called to say how much I miss u > I care about u and I mean it from the bottom of my heart


    well, there r tons of ways to say it but the simplest is : “ I miss u “

    special message 4 u : I miss u

    I have something important 2 tell u : just wated 2 say : “ I miss u
    • All I know is that I love you with all my heart and soul, and hope I don't lose you ever. I pray you love me always as I will love you. you are in my every thought. Soon we will be together, but for now, I'll just remember all the wonderful times we had and all the love we have shown each other. I am so great full for all the time we had got to spend with each other
    I love you with all my heart, you feel my days of joy, did someone tak
    e the stars from the sky because they are twinkling in your eyes, when I see you I don’t really know what to say because you make, me speechless whenever you are near me, and when are lips touch we are in a world of our own

    • I was just thinking about you and how much I love you, you say there is no one that can make you feel the way I make you feel. I don't think I am that great, but I feel the same for you; nobody can put the smile on my face that you do, and nobody’s ever given the feeling you give to my heart

    I just want you to know how much you mean to me. You are my world. You're what makes me happy. I miss you and love you so much. And I will always be here for you. Thank you for making me feel so special.
    • You have stood beside me through some of the hardest times. You make me feel special and you treat me like a real prince

    When I'm sad and feeling blue you put a smile on my face and you make me happy. You're my best friend.

    Soon we will be together, but for now, I'll just remember all the wonderful times we had.


    I miss you so much.,
    •don't know what I'll say
    But I'll never stop loving you
    each and every day
    My feelings for you will never change
    Just know my feelings are true
    Just remember one thing
    I Love You!

    No matter where I go or what I do
    I'll spend the rest of my life
    •Showing how much I love you

    •No matter how far you are or where you are
    No matter how much space between us
    But I will wait for you with hope in my heart

    •There are 12 months a year...30 days a month...7 days a week...24 hours a day...60 minutes an hour...but only one like you in a lifetim

    ~You laugh because im different,

    I laugh because you're all the same

    *A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes,

    A Person Who Doesn't Is A Fool Forever ...

    ~I wasn't Kissing him, I was just telling his lips a secret!!

    ~Do u believe in love at first site? Or should i walk by again?

    ~ReMeMbEr mY nAmE * ReMeMbEr My FaCe *

    CuZ tHeRe AiNt nO oThA hOnEy * ThAt CaN tAkE mY pLaCe

    ~I'm Loved by some, Hated by many, Envied by most,

    Yet wanted by plenty

    ~IT's better to let someone think you are an Idiot

    than to open your mouth and prove it

    ~everyones entitled to be stupid but

    YOU ARE ABUSING the priviledge!!!

    ~One day your prince will come,

    mine just took a wrong turn, got lost,

    and is to stubborn to ask for directions

    ~Don't call me a GODDESS,

    Don't call me a QUEEN,

    Just call me the cutest PRINCESS you've ever seen!

    ~-I never meant t? hurt y?u- -but- -

    y?u're pretty when y?u cry-

    -I really l?ved y?u- hehehe- -

    R'nt i cute when I lie-

    ~Boyz Are Great, Every Girl Should Have One

    ~I LOVE my atitude problem

    ~You're only bad if you're caught...

    So that makes me a really good girl, RIGHT!?

    ~he broke my heart, so i broke his jaw

    ~I'll Try AnYtHiNg Once, Twice If I Like It!



    ~X-tReMe Is NoT a MoOd, It'S a LYFE-STYLE

    ~An idoit and his $$ make for a great party!!!

    -If I had the letters "HRT"

    and I could add "EA" and get "HEART"

    or add "U" and get "HURT",

    I'd rather have "U" and get

    "HURT" than have a "HEART" without "U".

    ~ You can fall from the sky,

    you can fall from a tree,

    but the best way to fall is in love with me.

    ~ When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you.

    When I met you, I was afraid to hug you.

    When I hugged you, I was afraid to love you.

    Now I love you and I'm afraid to loose you. ~

    ~ To love someone is nothing,

    to be loved is something
    +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++

    مسجات حب انجليزيه
    hi guys
    how are you all of you
    your fine am fine
    any way i have same english text msgs
    i hop you like them


    I luv ur eyes
    i luv ur smile
    I cherish ur ways
    I adore ur style
    wat can i say
    ur 1 of a kind and 24/7 ur on my mind!


    you can fall from a mountain,
    you can fall from a tree,
    but the best way to fall,
    is to fall inlove with me.


    In my dreams i dream of you
    of all the things that we could do,
    an in my heart i yearn for more
    of the sweetest person who i adore,
    but most of all the things
    i miss is giving u a goodnite kiss xxx


    Do u take me 2 b ur lawful txt m8,
    2 have & 2 hold in rich quotes & horny jokes,
    in txt matrimony & in poor signal,
    til low battery & no reception do us part?


    If i could be an angel,
    i would make ur every wish come true.
    But im only human,
    just a girl who's lovin u!!!


    Baby i love you,
    and everything you do...if anything ever happened,
    ill always be there to comfort u thru! x-x-x


    if i got a pound for every time i looked at u i would be a billionaire by now.


    I love you,
    you love me,
    in my heart you'll alwayz be,
    here or there,
    near or far my love will be wherever you are!


    Last night I looked up at the stars
    And matched each one with a reason why I love you
    I was doing great,
    but then I ran out of stars


    On a silent nite when friends r few,
    i close my eyes n think of u,
    a silent nite,
    a silent tear,
    a silent wish u were here!


    ..... U r ,
    u r fine,
    the only thing u aint is mine!


    Once upon a time,
    somthing happened 2me
    .It was the sweetest thing that ever could b,
    it was a fantasy,
    a dream come true.
    It was the day i met u!


    is ur dad a crook
    because he stole the stars and put them into your eyes


    A B C D E F G
    H I J K L M N
    O P Q R S T V
    W X Y Z 'oopz imiss u'


    if a big fat man comes late at night into your room
    and wants to pack you in his bag,
    don't worry,
    i told santa that i want you for christmas!!!


    One day you will ask me
    what is more important to me you or my life
    i will say my life and you will walk out
    and leave me not even realising that


    like u told me,
    please b careful wiv my heart.
    u can take it just dont break it,
    or my world will fall apart!


    If I had letters "hrt"
    I can add "ea" and get heart,
    If I add u then Id "hurt" but I rather
    choose u and get hurt than have a heart without u.


    this all about love sms

    an i have same of the funny text


    A - ur
    B - ur
    C - ur
    D - ur
    E - ur
    F - ur
    G - ur
    H - ur


    its hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your
    heart still does
    *~*When I was born half of my soul is given to someone else; i spend all of my lives looking for our other half.*~*
    *Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while so when you're lonely remember it's true somebody somewhere is thinking of you.
    When we are born half of our soul is given to someone else; we spend all of our lives looking for our other half.*~*
    The hardest way to miss someone is when you are sitting right next to them, knowing that you can't have them.*~
    *~*A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.*~*
    The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.*~*
    Sometimes it hurts more to smile in front of everyone than to cry all alone
    Funny how we feel so much but cannot say a word, we are screaming inside but we can't be heard.
    Everyone says you can only fall in love once, but that’s not true, ‘cause every time I hear your voice I fall in love all over again. ..................
    If in my dreams is the only place I can hold you, I want to sleep forever!
    ) Love isn’t when you can imagine spending your life with someone; it’s when you can’t imagine your life without that person!

    When it hurts to look back, and you’re too scared to look ahead, look beside you and i will be there

    100) Dark clouds hang over me sometimes...but I'll work it out.

    101) The sparkle in your eyes could make the stars jealous.

    102) Do you eat lucky charms? Because you look magically delicious!

    103) Your friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you!

    104) He has my heart…but everyday I get a little piece back...its time to move on...

    105) Have you ever noticed that the worst way to miss someone is when they are right next to you and yet you know you can never have them.

    106) Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything in you, but that other person was too afraid to let you?

    107) Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color!

    108) You could die for Christ, but could you live for him?

    109) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the right one, we know how to be grateful for that gift.

    110) As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools.

    111) If the shoe fits, get another just like it.

    112) One day you’ll love me as I have loved you; one day you’ll cry for me as I have cried for you; one day you’ll want me…. and I won’t want you!

    113) God can mend all broken hearts; you just have to give him all the pieces.

    114) Love is not a game, so why are there so many players?

    115) Going to church does not make you a Christian any more than going to McDonalds makes you a hamburger!

    116) Real friends are those who, when you feel you’ve made a fool of yourself, don’t feel you’ve done a permanent job.

    117) There are two things I’ve learned in life: 1) there is a God; 2) I am not Him!

    118) Therapy is expensive, popping bubble wrap is cheap. You choose.

    119) Don’t cry cause its over; smile cause it happened.

    120) I’m not inconsiderate, I just don’t give a sh*t.

    121) I’m sweet like sugar, soft like suede, but unlike Nintendo, I never get played!

    122) Do I look like a grocery item? I see you checking’ me out!

    123) A kiss blown is a kiss wasted; the only real kind of kiss is a kiss tasted!

    124) I’m loved by some, hated by many, envied by most, yet wanted by plenty!

    125) God made coke, God made Pepsi, God made (name here) so darn sexy!

    126) I wish I may, I wish I might, be the one you wish for tonight!

    127) You can’t fool a playa, but you can play them back!

    128) God made rivers, God made dirt, God made boys so girls could flirt!

    129) Everyone says you can only fall in love once, but that’s not true, ‘cause every time I hear your voice I fall in love all over again.

    130) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you could mean the world!

    131) If I could be an angel, I’d make your every wish come true, but I am only human, just a girl who’s loving you!

    132) It’s not my fault I fell for you! You tripped me!

    133) Every cutie with a bootie needs a hottie with a body!

    134) I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at myself for thinking you’re something you’re not; and thinking that nothing would ever change, and you’d always be here for me.

    135) I don’t have an attitude problem, you have a perception problem!

    136) It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.

    137) Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful, hate me cause your man thinks I am!

    138) Roses are red, violets are blue, give me all your kisses, and I’ll surely repay you!

    139) The greatest failure is not to try and fail, but to fail without trying!

    140) You know you’re in love when you don’t want to go to sleep because reality is much better than a dream!

    141) Roses are red, violets are blue, God made me perfect, what the heck happened to you!?!

    142) No man is worth your tears and the one who is will never make you cry!

    143) Eat to live, not live to eat!

    144) Love isn’t when you can be together and talk about anything, it’s when you can be together and not say a word and think it’s the best conversation you’ve ever had!

    145) I was born to please and taught to tease!

    146) If in my dreams is the only place I can hold you, I want to sleep forever!

    147) Lost time is never found again!

    148) Who do you go to when the one who usually stops your tears is the one who made you cry?

    149) Should I smile ‘cause you’re my friend, or cry ‘cause that’s all you’ll ever be?

    150) Don’t frown, you never know when someone might be falling in love with your smile!

    151) Love isn’t when you can imagine spending your life with someone; it’s when you can’t imagine your life without that person!

    152) Star light; star bright, where the heck is Mr. Right???

    لا يوجد say “I love you” if you don’t really care; never talk about feelings if they aren’t really there; never hold my hand if you’re going to break my heart, never say you’re going to if you don’t plan to start. لا يوجد look into my eyes, if all you do is lie, never say “hello” if you really mean goodbye. If you really mean forever then say that you will try; never say forever, ‘cause forever makes me cry!

    154) There is something demoralizing about watching two people get more and more about each other, especially when you are the only extra person in the room. –Silvia Plath

    155) You were born in the heavens, up in the sky, sent down to earth to put a twinkle in my eyes.

    156) Last night I matched up the stars to reasons I love you, I was doing fine, ‘till I ran out of stars.

    157) Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget!

    158) Struttin’ our stuff, shakin’ our booties, me n my girls are pure cuties!

    159) Don’t hate me cause I’m beautiful, hate me cause…. uh…okay hate me cause I’m beautiful!

    196) In order to love you have to risk the pain.

    209) A peach is a peach, a plum is a plum. A kiss is not a kiss without some tongue!

    210) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But if the doctor is cute...screw the fruit!

    212) Milk does the body good. But DANG...how much did you drink?

    213) I only look sweet and innocent!!!

    215) How do you do it...make me feel like I do?

    216) Of all the friends I ever met, your the one I wont forget,
    and if I die before you do, I’ll go 2 heaven & wait 4 you!

    217) I think I’m one of those bad things that happen to good people.

    218) OH I’m sorry, did my back hurt you’re knife?!

    221) Real eyes Realize Real Lies.

    222) Cross you’re heart & hope to die, clothes & makeup, boys & lies, forever there ‘till the end, Definition of: True Best Friends

    223) Judge me if you want, but keep the verdict to yourself

    ~You laugh because im different,

    I laugh because you're all the same

    *A Person Who Asks A Question Is A Fool For Five Minutes,

    A Person Who Doesn't Is A Fool Forever ...

    ~I wasn't Kissing him, I was just telling his lips a secret!!

    ~Do u believe in love at first site? Or should i walk by again?

  2. #2
    عضوة قمة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى
    thank u v. mutch

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2015
    معدل تقييم المستوى

المواضيع المتشابهه

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  5. إلي تحب الإنجليزي مسجات تجنن....
    بواسطة أم لميس.. في المنتدى اسرار البنات
    مشاركات: 0
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